The 2024 Masonic year began with major changes of scenery. The Lodge had its first new Master since 2021. Worshipful Brother Don Elfreth occupied the East and continued with his mission to improve our ritual and improve Masonic education at every regular communication.
In late 2023, we sold our Masonic temple that we had occupied since at least 1950, and started packing a century worth of artifacts to move to our new home, Laurel Masonic Temple. How little we kept during the move does cause reflection that our bonds and fellowship are more important than the trinkets that collect dust and are easily forgotten.
The Brethren showed out in force to help pack, clean, organize, move, and say goodbye to truckloads of stuff on weeknights and weekends. Much of the non Masonic items we no longer needed were primarily donated to local families, the fire department, and our neighbors, to avoid the landfill. Some of our older and less historic furniture was donated to other Lodges throughout the State, our pool table was found to have been crafted during the civil war and returned to a family member of the family that built it, and one non Masonic artifact even wound up in the Smithsonian this October (more to come in 2025).
In February, for the first time in roughly 75 years, we had our regular communication in a new home.
In April, we had our official visit of Right Worshipful Keith Hermann, DDGM and Right Worshipful Kenneth Carpenter. Once again, we showed our dedication to ritual excellence.
In May, we sadly said goodbye to one of our honorary members who was in a category of Masonic excellence all on his own, Right Worshipful Brother Albert L. Hann, PJGD. That same month, we initiated two new Brothers, Brother Isidoro Laude and Brother Sean McNutt. I can already hear Al telling them how long he had been a Mason, and welcoming each Brother to the fraternity as he had done to so many of us over the years.
In June, the Worshipful Master held a casual dress Past Masters night, bringing out several of the Lodge Past masters ranging from the late 1980’s to the most recent Past Masters. At the Grand Lodge of Instruction, Worshipful Brothers Elfreth and Perrin exemplified the Entered Apprentice candidate examination and were given great remarks from the Grand Lodge officers.
Over the Summer, the Lodge held its annual bbq dinner prepared by Brother Ian Gill, accompanied by the documentary “Beyond 33: The Royal Art of Freemasonry” written and directed by Brother Johnny Royal (Grand Lodge of California) at Laurel Temple. It was well attended.
In September, the Brethren conferred the Fellowcraft Degree for Brother McNutt and began planning for Brother Talarowski to succeed Worshipful Brother Elfreth in 2025.
In October, the Worshipful Master served dinner accompanied by the documentary “Secrets of the Parthenon” which touched on restoring the ancient architecture of the parthenon and the stone masonry techniques that kept it together for centuries. It was well attended by Brethren of the district.
In November, the Lodge held its annual election of officers.
In December, as we sit at this moment, we sit at a new start for Audubon-Parkside Lodge. A young Worshipful Master, a dedicated and experienced core of Past Masters, newer members, a new home, and a bright future.
This concludes my report
William Powell, PM
Lodge Historian